Friday, June 15, 2012

Some Paint, Some Sheetrock

No messing around today, I'll start with the front view straight off.  It's looking fabulous, if I do say so myself, which I just did.

The painters are spending today working on the trim.  Oh, and hey, did you notice the new front door?  I love that too.

Meanwhile, inside, we have a house full of sheetrockers.  Today they are taping the joints between the sheets of sheetrock.  In this picture, they are actually breaking for lunch.

Rather than lurk over them, I'll show you the rest of the house.  The seams are taped, as well as the rows of screws.  There's another of those swell ladders.

Whats this guy pondering?  Maybe he forgot his lunch and is waiting for the rest of the guys to share.  Or he maybe he hasn't been invited to sit at the cool table yet.  Or in this case, cool corner with the cool buckets.

Kitchen.  Remember, I'm going for the dramatic transformation.

Front bedroom.  Because I seem to feel compelled to include it in every post.

Downstairs again.  TV room, with the super duper special blue sheetrock.

"What are you taking pictures of now?"  or maybe he's saying "Again with the blog?"  or "Have you seen Case?"  or "What is the meaning of life?"  Okay, not the last one, but I am pretty much the master of useless trivia.  No kidding.

Then, to escape the crushing pressure of trying to come up with an answer, I'll slip back out to the TV room.

Just to our left is the downstairs bathroom.  Which, as Chris just pointed out, looks very much like the original one upstairs.  Except that the tile isn't falling off the wall and there isn't a hole in the floor.

Hey, hey, hey, look who greeted me at the top of the stairs.

Oh, now I see the problem!  He didn't have a bucket.  Poor fellow.  I'm glad he found himself a box to sit on.  By the way, this lunch smells fantastic.  They've heated themselves up some tortillas and I'm not sure what else, as I had to get out of there before I started to drool.  They already seemed mildly unnerved by this woman who followed them around and took pictures and asking to share their lunch seemed to be crossing the line a little.

Back outside we go.  New paint, blue wheelbarrows, a cordless drill, and the chair that just moves from place to place on the job.

In the backyard, Leah is headed up a ladder to work on the trim.  I forgot to mention yesterday that not only do we have a chick painter on our job, but that she runs the crew.  Take that.

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