Friday, May 25, 2012

New Porch

Big changes, big changes today!  The guys are starting the new gable roof over the front porch.  To do so, they needed to strip the old roof away and nail up sheets of OSB.  The roof was built old style, with no sheeting.  Instead, on top of the rafters the carpenters nailed small strips of wood (1"x4') horizontally the length of the house and each one is about 12" on center  This would be called the laths.  The shingles (originally cedar shakes) were nailed onto the lath strips.  At some point, the roof was reroofed, and rather than remove the old cedar shakes and boards, then sheet the roof with plywood (or OSB, as is now used) they just put down a layer of tarpaper over the cedar shingles and then nailed the asphalt shingles on top of that.

Here's a look at the house.    That's Chris on the left, stripping away old shingles, Dan on the peak of the new porch roof, and Chip climbing the ladder.

Let's look at the new front porch.  Don't you love it?

Let me back up a little and give you a good look at the whole job.  There's Chris on the left stripping off the shingles and puttig them in that garbage can then throwing them into the trailer.  To the right, Dan and Chip are working on the new porch roof.

Hi Chris. Don't fall off.    You can see some of the old asphalt shingles, bits of tarpaper, and lots of the cedar shingles strewn about.

There's Dan and Chip again.  If you look at just this side of the new porch, you can see the old wood strips (lathes)  that haven't yet been covered with the sheeting.

Dan is getting pretty comfortable with me being on the job with my camera.

And this is what it looks like inside the house where the old roof was removed.  I foresee me on a shovel picking this up in the near future.

Same stuff, different angle.  If you look up, you can see sky through the roof.

I'm feeling particularly thorough in my documentation today, so here's the same debris from yet another angle.  As a plus, you get a good look at the entry, entry closet, end of stairway, and hallway to the bedrooms. 

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