Wednesday, May 2, 2012


In addition to installing new windows, Chris is still working on the drainage system.

They have cut out some of the basement slab to run a new pipe under it. 

Here you can see the trench, the tidy pile of concrete that was cut out, and the new bedroom windows.  Remember the old long, narrow window to the backyard?  The new one is not as wide, but considerably taller, so you can see where they framed in the old window opening.

Back wall.  Two lovely new windows.  The door will be replaced too, they just haven't done it yet.  I really like the old door, just not for this application.  I'm trying to think of another use for it, but haven't come up with anything yet.  It's really old, I believe it was old when they put it in the house originally.  It's solid wood, nice and heavy, and the glass is old and wavy.  Let me know if you guys have any ideas.

Lets take another gander at that concrete pile.

Here I am precariously balanced over the trench.  All to get the good pics for you guys.

And there the pipe goes under the foundation to the backyard.

Also in the basement, the guys smoothed out the dirt behind the new walls, laid down a layer of heavy plastic and covered it with crushed rock.  (Remember it also has a drainage system under all of that).  This baby should be dry even in a hurricane.  Not that we get hurricanes, but I'm just saying.

Here I am in the far back corner.  Those two white pipes sticking up are cleanouts for the drain pipes.  There's another one next to me where I'm taking the picture.  Never let it be said that Chris does anything halfway.

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