Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pouring Downstairs

 Hi all! Well, to continue the story of the foundation downstairs.....

The mixer truck has arrived, full of redi-mix concrete.

Because the pour is downstairs, and around the back of the house, we've hired a pumper to pump the concrete to the forms.  Here the truck is backed up to the pump, and discharging concrete down the chute into the pump hopper.

Here it is from another angle.

And another angle.  See the concrete running down the chute?

Here's a closeup of the hopper and the grill on top.  So debris and big chunks don't get in the mix and plug the hose.  That would be bad.  Very bad.

Here's the pump.  The concrete goes from the hopper into the hose coming out the bottom.

Then the hose runs across the yard, down the side of the house...

Around the back yard....

In the downstairs door....

And across the floor to where the guys are pouring.  Note the connection between the two sections of house.  Just thought you might be interested.

Here's a picture of the concrete shooting out the end of the hose.

And here it is from the other side.  I just do my best to stay out of the way.

Here the guys have been working the top of the concrete, but stepped away for a moment.  Maybe they were too shy to be in my picture.

And here we have a shot of the most of the pour.  They started with the floor, then moved on to the  foundation along the wall.  In this picture, one of the guys is just finishing the top of the new foundation.  Now we just wait for it to cure for awile, then Chris will strip the forms sometime tomorrow.

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