Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Paint and Sheetrock

The house!  The house!  She has her first coat of new paint.

Here you can see the obviousness of my statement "first coat" of paint.  Also the reason for the plastic over the windows.

Starting to look fabulous, no?

Inside, we have sheetrock.

This is the view from the living room to the kitchen.  I keep showing this particular viewpoint, because I think it will be particularly dramatic when the cabinets are finally in.  On the other hand, by then I may have forgotten all about my dramatic photography build up.

Kitchen again.  Are you feeling the dramatic tension?

Dining area.  Less drama.

Standing in the kitchen, looking towards the living room. Thats enough.  I'm weary of the kitchen.

Lets walk down the hallway to the upstairs bedrooms.

This is the front bedroom.  Full of sheetrock scraps.

Hey, whats going on downstairs?  Follow the light....

TV room.  The sheetrock on the lower part of the wall is blue because its a special kind of sheetrock.  Something about moisture, or something.  And that is as technical as I'm going to get about that.  You're welcome.

Hello Mr. Rocker.

Look at him screw that sheetrock to the ceiling.  He's just a blur.

Because I knew you were so thrilled by the last picture, here's another guy screwing sheetrock to the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom.  Also, there's some more of the special sheetrock.  You're welcome again.

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