Thursday, June 14, 2012


Just to mix things up, I'm starting with the back of the house.  The second coat of paint is on - looks good, don't you think?

Here's the rest of the back.  I'm nothing if not thorough.

And just because we haven't spent a lot of time over here together, lets look at the side of the garage.  Where we find a painter working on the trim.  Don't you love the old trim boards with the scalloped ends?  I do.

I especially love the contrast of the new paint (Kelly Moore Cedar Shingle) with the trim (Kelly Moore Swiss Coffee).  I even double checked in the paint fan deck to be sure I told you the correct names, and in doing so found a color I first read as "Frog Patience"  to which I thought "What the heck?!" but then turned out to actually be "Frog Prince"....only a slight improvement, in my opinion.

Here's Leah, and another painter working on the front.  We had a friend (a woman) say to Chris this week "You have a chick painter working at your house?" to which Chris replied, "Yes, why?" but only got a quizzical look in reply.  I'm still puzzling on that one.  If a man had said that, I'd be spitting mad.  Coming from a woman, I'm just confused.

Anyway, here's the other side of the house.  Nothing more to add.

Here's the view I know you've been waiting for, the front(ish).  Oh, in my former caption, I forgot to point out Leah is spraying, and the guy, who shall remain nameless, because of the fact that I don't know his name, is rolling the paint.  Apparently this makes for a better finish to do both.

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