Saturday, June 30, 2012


 So, we're replacing the fence between our house and the neighbor.   I'm using the term "we" very loosely here.  My only job today seems to be as photographer.  Which is highly annoying to the boys.  I believe they're about to go on strike and declare a "no photos" policy.

Anyway, here they're taking out the old fence.

 Then they have to dig the holes for the new posts.  Sport was trying to convince Chris to bring the tractor with the post hole digger attachment into town for the job.  Chris informed him that we had plenty of boy power to do the job.

 The ground is so dry and compacted, that Sport had to break up the bottom of the holes with the bar so the Big Dog could dig them out.

 He looks hot and sweaty, doesn't he?  Manual labor - the stuff of summer.

 So here are the new posts.  I'm thinking they need a little fine tuning.

 Meanwhile, here's the backyard.

 And here's a peek in the house.

 New pantry shelves.

 Shelving in the front hall closet.

 Doors stacked in the dining area.  I love those doors.

 The appliances have been delivered, and are living in the garage for now.

 Case, all tuckered out from the fence building.

And last, but not least, a little, tiny hot dog the boys found when they were digging the post holes.  It's the little things that make me smile.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back Patio

And look, more concrete!

This is our nice new patio.

I'm not going to add any comments about what he's doing, as you are obviously an expert on concrete finishing by now.

Tools of the trade - including the duck boards...whatever they are used for.  Lets brainstorm.  My best guess is that they're pads for the guys to kneel on then they work out on the slab.

Dan is rolling out some sheet metal for flashing.  He's working on the last part of the deck - the step down from the main part of the deck to the new concrete.

That's a nice deck.

It looks like I'm balancing on the railing, doesn't it?  I'm not, just leaning.  You'll notice that no one else in the photo, including the dog, even bother to look up anymore when I'm taking pictures.

Monday, June 25, 2012


This is the workshop.

The workshop for trim.  Those are pieces of door or window trim leaning against the fireplace wall.

This is trim before it's cut to size.  And also Case.

The pantry door all trimmed out.

The front bedroom.  Because no post would be complete without it. 

This is the master bathroom.

Here's Chris installing the garage door trim.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Back Steps, New Trim

Am in bad mood today, feeling very gggrrrrrryy, so typing only in incomplete sentences.






Back of house.

Back yard.

Husband and other guy bringing trim into house.

View out slider.

Husband and other guy unloading trim.

Truck full of trim.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Back Steps

Hey look, more concrete.

I'm not going to go on and on about the pump, or forms, or rebar, blah, blah, blah, today, as you are obviously a concrete expert by this time.  One new item for todays pour is the plastic on the siding, to protect the new paint from any concrete spashing up onto it.  That would be bad.  So bad.

Here, let me back up a little.

I'll move over a little to try to get an overview of the whole thing.
Hey, what the heck am I tripping over?

This?  What the heck??

Here, take a closer look.  I haven't the faintest what it might be used for.  Somthing concrete related, as that grey stuff all over it is concrete.

Anyway, back to the pour.

Oh, and here's the deck Chris finished.
It's swell.

Pouring steps.

This is the landing outside the downstairs door.  And a reflection of Chris in the door.  Working on the steps.



Looking through the garage at the concrete truck and driver.  As a plus you get a look at a couple of contractor behinds.  If that's your sort of thing.

Have we looked at Dan today?  Here he is working the concrete.

Here, I'll stand on the swell new deck and look at the guys.

Then I'll walk right to the end of the swell new deck and look at them again.

Concrete, pouring out of the hose.
It never gets old.

See what I mean?  Here's some more.  I just want to step in it.

This is called screeding.   Which is concrete finisher talk for taking a board and smoothing off the top to make it level.  See, you learned something new today.