Thursday, February 16, 2012

Preparing for the New Sidewalk

Today we're back outside.  Chris is taking out the sidewalk and driveway aprons.  Our driveway came out a week or so ago, and the new ones should be poured at the beginning of next week.

Look at my big strong fella break that concrete slab with a sledge hammer.

 And walk back to his excavator to pick it up.

 Now that's a more manageable size.

 Into the dirt box.  Or in this case the concrete box.

 The sidewalk is all out, and Chris is starting on the driveway aprons.  I say aprons, plural, because the next door neighbor is redoing theirs as well.  Chris is taking that one out now...see him waaaay up the street?

 Hey, hey, hey, don't drive and talk on your cell phone.

More concrete into the box.

 That's a lot of sidewalk right there. 

 This is what it looks like from the seat of the excavator.  I kind of like it up here.

 My legs.  And pedals and controls.

 Some more controls.

Hey!  Mom was right!  I'm on the tractor and look who's on the broom!

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