Friday, February 3, 2012

Ever Vigilant

I don't know about you, but I'm growing weary of looking at water and ditches and pipes.  So today you get to meet Chris's dog.  This is Case.  He's a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix, and goes everywhere with Chris.  When they're at work, he usually hangs out on the truck, and when they're home he often sleeps on the truck to insure he doesn't get left behind.

Here he is on the lookout for cats. 

Case takes his cat surveillance very seriously.  He can be sound asleep and if Chris says "Where's the cat?"  Case will leap to his feet, looking around.  The boys think it's hilarious.  I think it's sweet how seriously he takes his job of protecting his family.

That'll do, Case, that'll do.

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