Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So here's another day of sidewalk prep.  I know, it takes a lot longer than you would think, doesn't it?  The next step, shown here, is the baserock.  They dump it into the area to receive concrete, smooth it out, then compact it.  I wasn't at the job during any of that, sorry.  Here are some pics of the compacted baserock.

I'm standing at the end of the old sidewalk.

Here I am a little farther up.  You can see the two driveway approaches (ours and the neighbors) and the gutter area ready to go.

This is our driveway approach.  See how nicely  Chris has that rolled down to the gutter?  He's not pouring the driveway or sidewalk up to the house until later.  We still have work to do in the backyard, and the last thing Chris wants is the excavator driving on his nice new driveway.  Normally, he wouldn't have done any of the concrete work until the end of the job, but this sidewalk was in such bad shape that it was a hazard.  We really didn't want someone tripping on it, suing us, and getting this house!  Sorry pal.  You want the house, you have to put in the time hauling trash and rats.

Here's a look at the end of the  old sidewalk.  It's been saw cut so there will be a nice clean line between the old concrete and the new.

And here we have one last look at the project standing in front of the neighbors house.  Next up, building concrete forms.

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