Sunday, February 12, 2012

Basement, Dry

This is what the basement looks like these days.  Dry. Yay! 

Water in the basement is the sort of thing I think about in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.  Interesting that I find this to be more traumatic than what we went through cleaning this place out, but there you have it.  Trash and rats I can handle, water in the house gives me nightmares.

The guys dug out dirt and installed a drainage system behind that retaining wall to capture any subsurface water that might make it past the drainage system on the outside of the foundation.

Here's a look at that drainage.  There's drainrock, pipes and more drainrock.  See the cleanouts for the drain pipes at the far end of the rock?  That's the front stoop foundation on the left.  The man who built this house built it to last, that's for sure.

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