Monday, February 6, 2012

Front Drainage, Complete?

Well, the front yard drainage is done.  Now we just wait for another rain to test it.  Keep your fingers crossed.

So here's a look from the front.  Chris and Dan are taking a break.   As you can see, they've filled another dirt box.

Chris, Dan and Case.

Here is the transit.  It's set up to shoot the front yard elevation, so the guys can get the proper slope for drainage.

I don't know if I pointed it out before, but the old driveway is out, as well as the sidewalk and front step.  The early prep is in for the new driveway - dirt dug out, a layer of baserock put in.

Fine tuning the slope.  That's the measuring stick in Dan's hand.

Nice job on that rake, Dan.

Nice job on that excavator, Chris. 

When I was taking these pictures, I leaned over to say something to Chris and (unbeknownst to me) my glasses fell out of my pocket.  I started to leave, couldn't find them, and proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes scouring the property for them.  (Front yard, backyard, side....).  I had just given up when Dan said "Oh, oh" and picked my glasses up from the dirt.  When I was talking to Chris, they fell on the track of the excavator and stayed there as he drove back and forth.
Even when they finally fell off, he didn't run over them.  Dan picked them up safe and sound.  My lucky day.

The surface drain for runoff on the lower edge of the front yard.

Doesn't that look nice?

The surface drain for runoff by the front door.  The pipe sticking up out of the ground in front of it is the cleanout for the pipes the guys buried last week.

Surface drain by the driveway.

One last look from the front after the dirtbox was picked up, and another load of rock delivered.  Oh, yeah, and the big scraggly tree to the left of the driveway, the one whose roots were doing so much damage to the driveway, has been removed.  They still have to come back with the stump grinder.

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