Friday, February 10, 2012


Today I did a little cleaning in the garage.  Naturally I didn't think to take any photos before I started, but here it is after an hour or so of manual labor.

I've taken down the shelves on the wall and pulled the work bench out so I can sweep up all the yuck that was under it.  I've also already swept down the walls on this side of the garage.  Those are closet doors leaning on the piano and trailer.  Chris lays one across a couple of sawhorses and voila!  a work table!  The purple thing on a stick in the foreground is my webster.  Specifically designed for spider web removal.  It got quite a workout.  At one point it was like the scene in Shrek where he wraps the webs on a stick for Fiona...... haven't seen it?  Oh, you must.  I don't care if you don't have little kids, its a great movie.  (Another I love?  Despicable Me.  "Assemble the minions!"  I wish I had minions).  Also, remember that trailer, you'll see it again.

This is the corner where the washer and dryer were.  Well, they were at some point, anyway.  The only place I ever saw the dryer was on the deck.  Logical.  The boxes and blue tarp are Chris's.  Those are pipe pieces for the eventual new plumbing.  See the pile of trash on the floor to the right of the sink?  Now, shoveling that out brought back memories.  You know, of shoveling out the house.  Under the tile, and random pieces of clothing, and just miscellaneous junk was pooled fabric softener.  Years of fabric softener.  In the future kids, if you spill something, please wipe it up.  So that 30 years later some poor woman doesn't have to shovel it off the garage floor.

Lets take a closer look at the window.

At one point, I'm sure these curtains were cheery.  Now, not so much.  Take a good look at the spider webs, well, everywhere.  They continue all the way up into the rafters, but I couldn't really get any good pics of the ceiling.

Take a gander at that windowsill.




No more spider webs!

Much better. 
The fancy chair is for me in case I need to have a rest.

Here's the trailer again.  That's the metal sink cabinet from the laundry area in front of Case.  The boards on the right are studs out of the house.  And yes, I loaded all of that myself.  Except for the doubled up 2x12's leaning against the trailer on the right.  Too heavy.  They are waiting for Chris to come throw them in.  Because my Olive Oyl arms just couldn't manage it.

There's the piano again.  And the stove.  Maybe they'll just stay with the house.  Oh, and see the bottle of champagne on the work bench?  We found that somewhere on this job. We just keep moving it from place to place.  I'm not sure why we haven't thrown it out, because as much as I like champagne (and I do) there is no way I'd drink any that I found here.

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