Thursday, January 26, 2012

Insulation, Anyone?

So we continue hauling debris out of the house.  As a nice change up, it's now construction debris, rather than actual trash.  Not that carrying insulation is so fun, but it beats a dead rat.
 Chris has just thrown down a pile of sheetrock, and here comes Dan out the door with another load.


 Dan throwing insulation into the trailer.  Note the ever present earbuds.  Someday I'll ask him what he's listening to.

 Chris with an armful of insulation.


 Chris stomping down the insulation.  Speaking of insulation, I was pulling some insulation out of a wall and was in an awkward spot where I had to stand in a doorway and reach around to grab it.  Anyway, as I did so, a rat shot out out of the insulation in my hand, past my face, and back behind another wall.  Normally I'm not a screamer, but I tell you I screamed like a girl.  Then I dropped the insulation, jumped back and yelled an expletive.  Which I won't repeat.  Because my Mother reads this.  For those of you who are counting, that makes 3 dead rats and one live one.

 More sheetrock coming out.

 And being thrown into the trailer.

 More stomping.

 Lest you wonder why on earth we are expending such energy, not to mention coin on this mess of a house, let me show you a few pics of the neighbors.  Here we have a lovely lemon tree across the street.

 And the house where the lemon tree lives.

 A charming bungalow across the street.

 Another charming bungalow next to the lemon tree house.

 Next door.  I loooovvveee the garage.  And the house too.  Don't you just want to run up there and sit on that vintage metal rocker?  Though I haven't yet met the owners, so that could be a little awkward.  "Oh, hello.  Just sitting on your front porch.  Nice to meet you."

More charming up the street.  Eventually our house will be charming.  It will.  Trust me.

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