Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Backyard

Today we'll take a look at the back yard.

Oh snap, I forgot to take any "before" pictures of the back deck.  Okay, just picture what the garage looked like before we started and you'll have a pretty good idea.  The deck was stacked with black garbage bags, filled with trash, as well as boxes of trash, loose miscellaneous trash, and of course the broken dryer at the end.  There was just a narrow pathway along the railing to walk through.

The deck, after!

Looking down to the lower part of the back yard from the deck.
Looking toward the upper part of the backyard.
The upper part of the back yard from the other end of the deck.
Another view of the upper area of the backyard.

Looking to the deck from the upper part of the back yard. 

Looking down the side of the house from the street towards the back yard.

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