Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Oh the Cabinets!

The garage has been emptied of cabinets except for these two drawers. These beauties will go in the kitchen.

Inside, Chris starting to install appliances.  Here he's preparing the cabinet for the microwave.

See, there it is.

Meanwhile, lets take a stroll around the house.  This is the downstairs bath.  Like the new lights?

When I got back upstairs, the microwave was in!  Its like the magic of television, only on blog.
Also, those shelves on this side of the peninsula cabinet are bookshelves.  Pretty clever.

The kitchen is coming together.

Here is my usual vantage point.  Oh look, the giant drawers are in.  More blog magic.

I don't know what Dan is doing up there, but I see the trim is on the top of the big cabinet.

The doors inside the refrigerator space go on that cabinet to the right.  Look at all those shelves!

Looking back at the dining area, the ceiling light is in.  It will hang down farther, the guys just have it up so they don't bump into it while to-ing and fro-ing.

The entry way is shaping up nicely.  I love the door.  And the light.

This is the hall bath, with its new lights.
Oh, and the shadows are from the skypipe.  Its sort of like a skylight....its a long foil lined pipe that runs from the roof to the bathroom ceiling and brings in an amazing amount of light.  I highly recommend them.

And here's the master bath.  Lights yes, sink, not yet.

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