Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tile, Again

Tile again today.  Again?  I know, right?  Well, sorry, its all I have to show you.
This is the upstairs hall bathroom shower.  All done.

This is the master bathroom, freshly grouted, which is why I can't walk on it.  Hey, I respect the blue tape, man.

I really pushed the envelope here, and leaned in under the blue tape to get you a glimpse of the shower.  And green bucket/stepstool.

And just because I feel like it, here's the master bath again.

This is the downstairs bathroom.  I'm somewhat distressed by the lighting in this photo, too yellow, but not enough so to get all photoshoppy on you.  Hey this blog is all straight out of the camera, baby.  Perhaps if this were a paying gig, I'd spend the extra hours getting all fancy, but alas, it is not.

So here we are back upstairs, which wouldn't be complete without this view of the kitchen.

Speaking of the kitchen, the tile backsplash is in.

 I like the diagonal, don't you?

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