Monday, July 9, 2012

Cabinets! Cabinets! Cabinets!

The kitchen is coming together!

Ha!  Walk right into my photograph, will you?  I will thwart your "no photos" policy, my pretty.
Oh, also, they managed to get the big cabinet inside, as you can see.  They removed the threshold in the garage door which gave them just enough room to bring it in.

Dan's not really just leaning against the cabinets, he's pushing up the corner as Chris screws the cabinets together so they'll be perfectly level.

We also have a new cabinet in the living room.  I don't think I've pointed them out before, but Chris put 2 outlets above the mantel and an outlet and cable outlet on the wall above the cabinet for the TV.  He thinks of everything, that Chris.

This is the hall bathroom.

And this is the master bathroom.  Don't worry, it will have a sink too, they just haven't cut it in yet.

This is the downstairs bathroom.  I like all the drawers.

Also in the downstairs bathroom is that swell new cabinet on the wall.  Medicine cabinet?

Nope, its a full linen closet!

I'm not sure if we've looked at the TV room since it was all painted, but here it is.  Looks nice, don't you think?

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