Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tile, Anyone?

 You can imagine my surprise when upon arriving at the house to take more pictures of the tile, I saw this.

 A driveway full of baseboards being painted.

 Don't worry, there's plenty of tile inside.  Have I shown you this already?  Yes?

 How about this?  Have I told you how much I like that door and light fixture?  I have?

 Okay, back to the kitchen.  Oh, don't get all "I've already seen that" on me.  The appliances are in their spots.  Not installed yet, but slid into their repective homes at least.

 See?  Dishwasher and stove.

 Do you see what's new here?

 The mantle is on.

 Now, for the big show.  I know this is what you've been waiting for.
The guys are tiling the downstairs floor.

 Since I couldn't go any farther with that last photo, I'll go around to look in the door.

 More tile stuff outside the door.

 Obviously he's new.  Don't be scared, the lady with the camera is a regular around here.

 So here's the floor so far.

 Here's the tile guy putting down some grout.

 And spreading it around.

And putting down a piece of tile.
There you go, that's the end of Tiling 101 for today.

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