Thursday, July 12, 2012

More Kitchen, More Dirt

So this is what the kitchen looks like now.  The cabinets are all in, the knobs and pulls are on, we're just waiting for the countertops.

Here's my usual vantage.

The big cabinets.

This is the peninsula side.

And the stove/refrig side.

This is the tile we picked for the entryway, and the hardwood for the living/dining rooms.

While I was walking around inside photographing, Case posted himself at his usual spot on the front porch.

This is what we have planned for the morning.  Picking up the pile of dirt the boys dug out of the planting strip.  You'll notice there are three shovels.  As much as the boys try to say I don't do my share around here, the picture tells the tale.

Still with the "no pictures" policy.  I fear he may try to run me over with that wheelbarrow.  Luckily, I am nimble and quick.  As long as I don't trip over anything as I start my getaway.

Sport hasn't yet noticed the camera.

Obviously he just did.

My, that's attractive.
I told the boys they should be grateful for all these pictures of them laboring away.  When they are grown men and telling their children how hard they had it as boys, and how much they had to work, they'll have photographic evidence.  I just can't help them with the walking to school in the snow uphill both ways.
Sorry boys.

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