Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More Landscaping

Back to the house we go.  Here we have the usual suspects.

After the big dog loosens the soil with his jackhammer, Sport digs out the hole.  Mostly with the shovel, but with the bar when necessary.

Here, let me stand on the driveway and show you some stuff.

In case you were wondering, this is what a jackhammer looks like.

Here is the spot he is to dig out for the plant.

And this is what it looks like when the blade starts into the ground.

Here's another view.  Too much?  More jackhammer pictures than you were bargaining for?

Here's good ole Sport.  With his ear protection.

So then, after a bunch more work (during which I was working, so not taking any pictures), the plants are in and the rocks are set.  The dry riverbed is both decorative and functional.  What a nice combination.  Remember the drains by the driveway and front porch and lower side of the yard?  The riverbed helps divert any rainwater toward those drains.  And it looks great besides (if I do say so myself).

The big dog is raking up some of the junky dirt (and rocks) he dug out and Sport is working on the irrigation line.  I believe he is hammering in the staples that hold it in place.

Here's Chris adding some more of the 3/8" rock to the riverbed.
The riverbed is made up of big rocks with gravel on top to fill in the voids.
In case you were wondering.

Next we cover all the bare dirt with bark.  Shredded redwood to be precise.
Those are my irrigation supplies on the porch.  That's right, I'm in charge of the dripline.  Its quite a responsibility.

This is what a trailer load of shredded bark looks like.
And two boys with pitchforks unloading it.

After the bark is unloaded, the big dog gets to throw all his junky dirt and rocks into the trailer to be hauled away.

Doesn't that look nice?
We have to end at this point because, 1) I ran out of irrigation drip line and 2) we've been working here all day and we're tired and hungry.  Seriously, if it weren't for buying the tamales from the lady who came by selling them earlier in the day, we would be starved.

So this is what the front yard looks like from the front porch now.  

And here is the other side.  This one is a work in progress.
Oh, also, that pile on the other side of the driveway is the super rich soil we are using  when we place the plants.

Its getting there.

And we're almost done!

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