Friday, April 20, 2012

Stairs and Downstairs

When I came by today to take pictures, Chris had already finished the stairs and he and Dan were laying out the walls for the new rooms downstairs. 

Here is the new half wall around the staircase opening.  On the far side, you see it's a half wall on the left and to the ceiling on the right.  The low wall is in the dining area and the full height is kitchen.

The new stairs.  Aren't they great?  I ran up and down a couple of times, I was so happy not to have to go outside and down the hill to get downstairs. 

Here they are from the bottom.  They're super sturdy.  No bounce at all.

This is the stairway from the side.

So this is what the basement looks like these days.

Here's Chris sweeping.  He's sweeping so he and Dan snap the chalk lines for the new walls.

Chris and Dan next to the door to the backyard.

Here's Chris snapping a chalkline.  I'm not very good at that.  I can never hold it still enough or taut enough.  As a result, my chalklines are just that, chalklines rather than just one chalkline.

Now he's over by the hole in the floor.  He'll pour some more concrete there, but that's another day, another project.

Now they measure off the chalkline they just snapped, and lay out the walls to be built.  Hi Dan.

Chris measuring over from the chalkline.  Hi Chris!

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