Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stair Half Wall

So to continue the story of the stairs...

Here's a picture of the hole in the floor from the basement.

And here it is from the living room.  Dan is standing on a ladder, he's not really that tall.

See?  Here's his ladder.

Then he and Chris built the half wall around the staircase, so whoever ends up living here doesn't fall in.  That ghostly figure on the left is Chris.  It's pretty dark in the house (see the work lights the guys have set up?) so I have to compensate with a slow shutter speed, thus I can't really capture movement in these pics.

That's better, just hold still.

Here Chris is checking the railing with the laser level.  At least I think that's what he's doing.  The laser level is the the yellow thing on the railing just to the right of his tape measure.  See the red dots from the lasers it is emitting?   One is on the stud to the right of it and one is on the floor below it. 

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