Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Walls

Moving along....

Remember the hole in the bathroom floor?  That was then, this is now.

Here I was standing in the living room, looking towards the bathroom(s).  There will be two bathrooms where the old one was.  The green ladder is just inside the front door, and that will be an entry closet to the left it.

Now I'm in the front bedroom,which isn't changing too much, with the exception that the closet is now on the living room side (see the broom leaning up against it?).  The old closet went to enlarging the bathroom space so we could have two bathrooms.

Here I am in the corner of the master bath.  That's the hall bath in front of me, as well as various tools - the nail gun, sawsall, and I'm not sure what that thing is in the bathroom.  A stapler of some sort?  I'll have to ask Chris.

Still in the bathroom, looking towards the kitchen.  You knew that though, didn't you?  We've been through a lot together with that kitchen. 

Speaking of which, here it is.

Case, what's in that bucket?

The old nook.  From this to this to this.

This is the old back bedroom, which will become the master bedroom.

One last look back towards the kitchen/dining/living room areas.

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