Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beam is in

Hey everyone, me again.  The new beam is in. 

Here's the beam that Chris and Dan put in.  That thing is HUGE.  I am so glad I wasn't here when it was going in.  The whole lifting of enormous weights makes me nervous.  What if they drop it?  What if they drop it and someone gets hurt?  What if they don't drop it, but someone still gets hurt?  I'm telling you I could be a professional worrier.

Anyway, this is the basement as it looks now.  See that new wall along the back?  That will be the back wall for one of the bedrooms and the bathroom.  The larger opening will be the bedroom closet.  Isn't that clever?  The closet will extend into the crawl space behind the wall.

Here is another look at the scary beam.  It will be inside the wall between the two bedrooms.

And here's another angle of the whole basement.  There are the stairs up to the living room on the left, the new beam on the right, and the door and window to the backyard on the far wall.

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