Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Downstairs Again

Back downstairs we go. 

These are the septic pipes for the new bathroom about to be built downstairs.

This is just a view of the other side of the downstairs.  I thought you might want to look around a bit.  Move along, nothing to see here.  Just a new door, new window, some wheelbarrows and a ladder.

Theres the old door again.  Any ideas for a new home for it?

Here I'm standing by the new door.  See how it floods the space with light?  Very nice.

Now this, is the form for a new piece of foundation.  The previous owner had, at some point, undermined the foundation in this area, so Chris is pouring reinforcement.  That hot pink line is the string line...so the form would be straight.

And here we have the rebar inside the form for the new foundation.  Drilled and epoxied into the existing foundation, and all tied off.

Here it is from another angle.

And here is the trough (I'm sure its not actually called a trough, but humor me) for the new sewer pipes.  They're under that rock.  Like the angle of my photo?  I'm feeling particularly artsy today.

Here's another artsy view of the rebar.

Speaking of rebar;  here's an example of what I mean when I refer to "tying rebar".  See how the two pieces of rebar are tied together with the piece of wire?

These are the parts needed for rebar tying.  The wire pieces have loops on each end and come in a big roll like you see to the right.  The tool for twisting the wire is that red thing.  I believe its technical name is rebar tie twister.  Okay, I made that up.  I have no idea what its actual name is.
Note:  Chris tells me its called a Yankee Puller - similar to a Yankee Screwdriver.  Don't we all feel so much more enlightened?

First you bend a piece of the wire into a u shape and put it around the rebar.  This is for example only, so I'm just putting it around one piece of rebar.

Then you put the loops on the wire ends on the hook of the yankee puller.

Then, and this is the fun part, you hold onto the red handle of the yankee puller and puullll it away from the rebar.  As you do so, the drill bit looking thing inside twirls around and twists the wire. (Twirls around:  very technical language).

See, here it is pulled out a little farther.  Of course this is only the fun part for the first few.  Not so much for the next hundred or so.

Another important piece if equipment at this stage is the epoxy gun.  Thats it just below the rebar tying stuff.  Remember when I said the rebar was drilled and epoxied into the existing foundation?  Well, this is how the epoxy gets there.

Another view of the epoxy gun.  I'm sure you can figure it out, I'm too tired for another tutorial.

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