Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Rooms Downstairs

 Backdownstairs we go again.  The guys have been busy.

Look down the stairs, there's a new wall down there!

Several new walls, in fact.  Here I'm standing at the foot of the stairs, looking toward one of the new bedrooms.  That open area that the outside door opens into will be a family room/TV room of sorts.  If we lived there it would totally be the boys hang out area.

Here I'm standing in the TV room looking toward the bedrooms and new bath.  The door farthest to the right is the bathroom.

This is pretty much the same picture, but you can see where the stairs end.  Thats the end of the stair wall on the far right of the picture.  Straight through, past the stairs is the access to under the house, and a small utility area where the electrical panel will live.

Here's a peek into the bedroom on the back side of the house.

And here is the other bedroom.  Thats the new section of foundation we had to pour under the window.

Here's the closet in this bedroom.  Because of the foundation, it can't extend all the way down to the  floor, but is built over the foundation and into the open area under the house.  Pretty clever, I think.

This is the bathroom.

And here's one last look at the bathroom wall.  You can see the stairs on the right, and just past them the doorway to the electrical panel room.  I am loving the new downstairs rooms.  As are the boys.  They've already staked out their rooms and planned the TV room (couch, TV, video games).  They would love to just lift this section of the house to our house and move in tomorrow.

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