Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yard Clean Up

After the concrete pour, we're back to do a little tidying up.  

Here's Sport and the Big Dog with shovels, that's Chris in the background.  I'm not sure what he's doing, but he's over by the hose bib.

The boys starting on the dirt and rock piles.

And miraculously, its all done!  This was actually taken hours later, after much shoveling and raking, and tractor work in the back by Chris.   Not only were we moving dirt, but there was broken up concrete we had to take out.  Chris uncovered and broke up the remains of the original drainage system in the front yard, so we had to take that out.

So nice and clean!

Let's look at it from this angle.

An update on the  backyard.  If you look closely, in the shadow outside the downstairs door, we now have gravel, so the guys aren't walking through dirt and tracking it into the house.

Where you ask, did those dirt piles in the front yard come from?  Right here, the back patio!  It's now all clean, except for that little bit up by the garage, and a little by the fence.

Thought you might want to look at the back from another angle.  Don't those new windows look nice?

This is the dirt by the fence I told you about.  We might need that later for landscaping, so its a stockpile.

My gloves.  So you'll believe me that I was working.

Chris and the boys loading up the tractor to take it home.

One last look at the work of the day.

Me and my fella.  A much more realistic portrait than one from a studio.

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