Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Closing in the Back Porch

Today we're upstairs again.  Chris and Dan are closing in the little covered porch area outside the breakfast nook door to the deck.  As you recall, the nook is now becoming part of the master bedroom, so the guys are closing in the porch to enlarge the new kitchen.

Here's Chris putting the OSB on the outside of the new kitchen wall.

Here's Dan carrying the next piece over to be installed.

See how the new bedroom wall now ends in the middle of the old nook window?  Obviously the window will be removed and the opening framed back in.

Here's a look at the old window on the right and the new kitchen window opening on the left.  That's tarpaper that is covering the right side of the new window opening.  Don't worry, it will soon be cut away.

Here we are looking at the new wall that closed in the porch and the new window opening on the right.

Same area, different angle.  That's Chris outside.

And here's Dan helping Chris put up another sheet of OSB while leaning out the new kitchen window.

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