Thursday, August 16, 2012

Living Room, Finished

As we look to our left from the entry, this is what we see. 
The living room.

This is what the living room looked like when we first took possession of it.

Here it is again.


Oh wait, apparently this is the point I realized I should use a flash in such a dark space.
All the better to see the details.  Nice.
In case you've forgotten. 
Remember the cobwebs?  Maybe it's better without the flash.

Here's another view. 
When I took this picture, I had no idea I would soon be picking up a dead rat over in the vicinity of that stereo.
Ah, the days of innocence.

 One last look.


And after. 
It's so much nicer here.  And smells better too.
Now, I have to ask, would you prefer I do the rest of the finished posts with before/after shots or would you like to see some during pictures as well?

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