Monday, August 13, 2012

Front, Finished

 Well, I can hardly believe it myself, but the house is finished.

 Totally finished, see?  We even have a realtor's sign in the front.
To be honest, we are still a little on the fence as to whether to sell it or keep it as a rental. 
We'll see what happens.

 Here's the entire property from the front.
 Sorry there's so much street in the picture.

 Here's that swell new tree again.

 And here's our swell new sidewalk.

 Here, let's look at the whole front.

And here it is a little closer.  Along with a good shot of the realtor's sign.  Not that I'm promoting it here, but hey, if you want to make an offer, knock your socks off.

 And here it is from this side again.
I know, I know, I'm probably being repetitive.  But hey, it's our baby and I can't believe we've completed it.

 How about this side including the sidewalk?
 And Sport, of course.

 The left side from the porch.

And the right side from the porch.
Don't worry, I'll show you the inside as well now that its finished.

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