Friday, August 31, 2012

Backyard, Finished

 Oh, the backyard.
Do you remember this?

 How about now?

 Remeber the old deck?
Those were some shaky stairs, let me tell you.

 This was looking up towards the street from the back corner of the garage.

This is what that side yard looks like now.

 Here we were looking down the side of the garage towards the backyard.
In the end we pulled 5 lawnmowers out of there.

 This is looking down the side of the garage from the street now.
No lawnmowers.

Here is the back patio now.
I don't have any "before" pictures from this particular view, because back then I was afraid to walk out this far into the back 40.  I was so thouroughly unnerved from what I had seen inside the house that I wasn't willing to venture off the deck.
I told you, I was a softie back then.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Downstairs, Finished

Here is the downstairs TV room. 

Here it is from another angle.  

And lets go stand in this corner and look at it.

This is the front bedroom.
I know, again with the lighting.  Sorry.

And this is the back bedroom.

This is the downstairs bathroom.

And the downstairs tub/shower.
In case you were interested.

Here is the horror of what we started with.

Here it is again.
Thats the door to the backyard.  The new one is in the same location, but that's about the only thing that is the same.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bathrooms, Finished

Ah, the bathroom.
Where do I even start?

Here's a good look at the cabinetry.

Remember the hole in the floor?
Notice all of the above pictures were taken from the doorway of the bathroom?  That's because I was afraid to actually go into the room.  That was before I picked up a dead rat.  I was a softie back then.

So here we have one of the new bathrooms. 
The old bathroom plus part of the old hallway became two new bathrooms.

Here's the shower in the hall bath.
Plus a self portrait of me.

Here is the window wall of the master bath. 
If you scroll back up to look at the first picture, you can see this wall.  That's the same window opening, just a new window.  Thankfully.

Here is the master bath cabinet.

And here it is again.

Here is the master bath shower. 
As a plus, the new one isn't filled with mail.

This is in the master bath shower. 
Those shelves, for soap, shampoo or whatever, are triangles cut from the countertop grainite.  That Chris, isn't he clever?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back Bedroom, Finished

Here is what the back bedroom, now the master bedroom, looks like today.
This is what it looked like before. 
So much to look at.  Do you remember the Snoopy phone?  Or the latch hook loom?  What about that window that hadn't been washed for a few years?

Here is the other end of the bedroom.  With the new walk in closet.
 And this is what that side of the room looked like before.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Front Bedroom, Finished

 Hey, remember this?  The front bedroom!

Here it is again. 
Or was again.
Wow, hard to believe this was once considered the nicest room in the house.
It's all relative.

This is what it looks like now!

 Here, just to freak you out, I'll show you the old view again.

 And this is what it looks like now.

Here, to make up for the extra "before" picture, I'll give you an extra "after".
You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kitchen, Finished

Here is our kitchen. 

Here is our kitchen before.

Here is our kitchen now. 

Here us our kitchen then.

New kitchen.

Old kitchen. 

Let me give you a closer look. 

New kitchen.

Old kitchen.

 Admittedly, I'm at the very edge of the new kitchen, but the cabinets on our left are on the original wall, and there used to be a wall with a doorway to the dining area in front of us.

See?  There is the wall and doorway.

And here is a little more of that floor.
You're welcome.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dining Area, Finished

In this picture, I was standing in front of the fireplace, looking toward the dining area.

Here is what that dining area looked like when we first started. 
Seriously, that's the same space.  We took out the window and put the slider in it's place and took out that wall between the kitchen and dining area that you see to the right.  You know, the one behind the desk.  Which is what one usually finds in a dining area - a desk and piano and ironing board.

Here, lets look at the dining area from the other side.