Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Poor Me

So this weekend was something else.  I hurt my back while digging in a ditch at the house.  When it happened, I thought I was dying.  Holy cow.  Luckily for me I have a nephew who is a Chiropractor who convinced me I was not actually dying, and gave me some direction as to pain relief.  He didn't even chastise me on my technique (lift with the legs, idiot).  If he were closer, I would have hobbled over to his office for assistance, but as he's 2500 miles away, I settled for emails.

Here is the trench in question.  I was standing in it, digging out that mucky clay you see to the left.  This picture was taken yesterday, after the pipe and drain rock went in,  as I was in no condition to take pics after the incident.

This is me, after Chris picked me up out of the trench.  Here I am walking and crying.  Not the most flattering angle for a photo, but hey, I was in no condition to model.

Sport and the big dog shoveling drain rock to fill the trench.  3 1/2 tons, to be exact.  Look how happy they are.  Maybe it's just the novelty of Chris behind the camera, rather than me.  I like to hope they aren't expressing their amusement at my walking and crying.  I don't get a lot of sympathy around here.

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