Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Clean and Ready

    So here's our house right now.  The inside is clean and ready to start new construction.  We're just waiting on the permits from the city.  Of course, we can't get the permits until the plans are finished, so I guess we're waiting for the architect.   Though we just got it to the point I could do the measurements for the existing space so the architect could start the drawings, so maybe the whole thing is waiting on me.  Sigh.

This was taken from the front door looking towards the breakfast nook.  I really wish you guys could smell the house now.  Consider yourselves fortunate you didn't have the option of smell-o-vision when looking at the earlier pictures.  You can figure it smelled every bit as bad as it looked.  Now it smells like old wood.

From the front door towards the living room.  Yet another appearance by the piano.  Yay.

Just inside the front door, looking towards the bathroom and back bedroom.  See that pipe wrapped in brown insulation hanging from the ceiling in the area where the pantry used to be (upper left of photo)?  That's a pipe coming from the solar water heaters on the roof.  You've been wondering about those things on the roof, haven't you?  They'll come down when it's time to reroof, don't worry.  They don't really add to the charming house vision we have.

Standing in the breakfast nook, looking into the kitchen.  Boy, this area has come a long way, has it not?

Standing by the fireplace looking towards the dining area.  Not only have all the floors been swept and vacuumed, but the guys got up in the attic area with a leaf blower to remove every last bit of that insulation.  The house is clean from ceiling joists to subfloor.

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