Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Digging, water, digging, water.  Such is life at the job these days.

A hole dug under the foundation to let the water out from under the house.  Do you like my artistic self portrait?

See where Dan is on the right side of the house?  He's by the hole in the previous picture.  I was standing on that retaining wall when I took the self portrait.  Because, really, this blog is all about me.

Dirt box.  To take away all the dirt the guys are digging out to create a drainage system.

My fella on the tractor, filling the dirt box.

Tractors, trailers, slam-bangs delivering rock.  So much excitement for this neighborhood!

There goes the truck to pick up the second load of drain rock.  Its called a slam-bang, because....well, I don't know exactly why its called a slam-bang.  I guess because thats the sound it makes when the bed from the trailer slides into the truck?  Mostly I just like to say it.  Slam-bang.  When the big dog was a pup he called it a bang-bang.  Also fun to say.

Here he is unloading the 2nd load.  See how there is a trailer inside the first truck bed?  When he arrives (and leaves) the job, he is pulling that trailer behind him.  After he unloads the rock on his truck, he slides the trailer bed into the bed of his truck and dumps it, as in the photo above.

Here he is leaving, pulling the empty behind him.

Dan, digging.  His most favorite job.

This picture was actually taken early the next morning.  Same job.  Chris is moving the last of the drain rock off the street.

Big hole fenced off.   Dan has been busy digging. Ha. 
No really, most of it was dug with the excavator, Dan and the guys have to do the hand work when we get too close to sewer pipes, or gas lines, or anything else you don't want to break.

The dirt box, full.  And another self portrait.

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