Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More Misc.

Obviously I couldn't post pictures of Sport playing ball and not the Big Dog.  Considering a bulk of my life is spent at various ball parks watching the boys play, I could post baseball pictures every day.

Not only does Sport catch, so does the Big Dog.  In fact, the Big Dog is the reason Sport is a catcher.  He just wants to be like his older brother.  Isn't that sweet?  Speaking of sweet, maybe they'll be like the Molina brothers -- now that would be sweet.  Not likely, starting with the fact that they aren't Puerto Rican, but...

Here he is catching for his travel team.

And here he is hitting.  That's some power.

Back at the house, Chris is starting to wire the electrical.

Tools of the trade.

This is called "pulling wire"  because he's pulling the wire from that roll through the walls.

See where it goes through the  holes drilled in the joists?

Then down the wall.

Here he's securing it to the stud.

See, this one's all done.  It's called a home run, because it runs home, to the electrical panel.

And here's the electrial panel. 

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