Monday, June 11, 2012

Jackhammers and Paint

Here's Dan, at one of his favorite jobs.  Jackhammering.  Ok, that's me being sarcastic.  Jackhammering is not his favorite job, it's probably one of his least favorite jobs.  But I'm guessing you knew that already.

He's taking out the concrete down the side of the garage.  It was old and uneven, so had to come out.  See the pieces he's already removed in a pile behind him?

Meanwhile, around front, the painters are getting ready to paint!  Here, they've covered the windows and gutters with plastic and paper.

They've  already started on the end.  The lower stucco part is already painted, and now they're starting on the siding.

And here is the back.  Talk about a mishmash!

Here comes Dan with another load of concrete.  Again, I just try to get my pictures and stay out of the way.

Lets take another look at that house.  The stucco is painted, the old siding is yellow, the new siding is tan, the trim is grey.  Lovely.

There goes Case to check on the progress.  If you  look through the garage door, you can see up the street.  Have you not noticed that before?  Or maybe I haven't given you any good pictures to illustrate it.  Sorry.

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