Thursday, June 7, 2012

HVAC, Electricians, Sprinklers, Oh My!

Six white contractors trucks, all working at our house today.  This picture doesn't even show the trucks that are parked on the other side of the street, all of which incidentally are not white.  They are blue, gray and black.

Here's a fellow headed up the ladder into the ceiling.  I believe that is Dan.  As to what he's doing, I have no idea.

This gentleman is installing ductwork for the heating.  See him up there?  This is like a game of "Where's Waldo?" only in our case, it's "Where's the Contractor?"

This man is installing the shower pan.

This guy is running the hoses for the sprinkler system.  Yes, we have to have a fire sprinkler system.  Don't get me started on the idiocy of that, we didn't want it, the City Building Department forced us to install fire sprinklers.  As in, if we don't install them we can't have a building permit.

And here's another guy in the ceiling.  I'm not sure what he's doing, but he's friendly.

These are the sheet metal guys.  They are measuring the sheetmetal for the ductwork.

Here's some of their materials.

Sorry one's a little dark, but there's some ductwork.

This is the other downstairs bedroom.  It's filled with PVC pipes and fittings.

The TV room is just full of all kinds of stuff.

This is the downstairs bathroom, with a new tub, and festooned with sprinkler tubes hanging down from the ceiling.

I don't know what these guys are discussing, I was just trying to get some pictures and stay out of the way.

Ductwork under the house.

More duct men under the house.

More pointing and measuring.

I don't think both of you guys will fit through that doorway together.

This guy is soldering copper pipes.

That's soldering wire in his right hand, and he's melting it into the pipe joint with the butane torch in his left hand.

Bye Caser, you have to stay with the contractors. 

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