Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bathrooms, Finished

Ah, the bathroom.
Where do I even start?

Here's a good look at the cabinetry.

Remember the hole in the floor?
Notice all of the above pictures were taken from the doorway of the bathroom?  That's because I was afraid to actually go into the room.  That was before I picked up a dead rat.  I was a softie back then.

So here we have one of the new bathrooms. 
The old bathroom plus part of the old hallway became two new bathrooms.

Here's the shower in the hall bath.
Plus a self portrait of me.

Here is the window wall of the master bath. 
If you scroll back up to look at the first picture, you can see this wall.  That's the same window opening, just a new window.  Thankfully.

Here is the master bath cabinet.

And here it is again.

Here is the master bath shower. 
As a plus, the new one isn't filled with mail.

This is in the master bath shower. 
Those shelves, for soap, shampoo or whatever, are triangles cut from the countertop grainite.  That Chris, isn't he clever?

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