Friday, August 31, 2012

Backyard, Finished

 Oh, the backyard.
Do you remember this?

 How about now?

 Remeber the old deck?
Those were some shaky stairs, let me tell you.

 This was looking up towards the street from the back corner of the garage.

This is what that side yard looks like now.

 Here we were looking down the side of the garage towards the backyard.
In the end we pulled 5 lawnmowers out of there.

 This is looking down the side of the garage from the street now.
No lawnmowers.

Here is the back patio now.
I don't have any "before" pictures from this particular view, because back then I was afraid to walk out this far into the back 40.  I was so thouroughly unnerved from what I had seen inside the house that I wasn't willing to venture off the deck.
I told you, I was a softie back then.

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