Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And a Little More Landscaping

 Another day on the jackhammer.

 Tools of the trade... power tools, plants, irrigation tubing, pitchfork....

Here is what we have down at the other end of the driveway. 
Another of those attractive dry riverbeds.

 And here's the big dog again with the jackhammer.

Here I am, on the shovel.
Photo courtesy of  Sport.

 Me again.  So happy.

 Then after hours of work, the sun comes out, and this is what the job looks like.  Chris has delivered us a load of bark and I've completed the irrigation lines.  Including water to the new tree by the street.

 Yes, this tree right here.

 Here is Chris looking pained.  Probably at the quality of workers he is forced to endure. 
Meaning his wife and sons. 

 In this photo, you can see Sport forking bark into his handy trashcan for carrying.  Trash cans hold more than wheelbarrows.  Just so you know.

 Chris is tying the tree to the stakes.  So it doesn't blow over on the gusty days.

Sport picking up his can of bark.  He's thinking "somewhere there are children who are spending their summer playing.  Not shoveling bark".


Here is the progress thus far.  Now I have to leave to go to work.  Well, first I must go home and take a quick shower.  You did see those pictures of me, didn't you?

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