Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Kitchen

The boys are in school, and I'm now at work, (not that this house hasn't been work, but I mean my work where I sit at a desk and work on the computer, and get a paycheck every week) so Chris and Dan are on their own for the kitchen.  I'm sure Chris gets more work out of Dan than he does his wife and sons.  Dan doesn't cry and complain like we do.

I stopped by the house to take some photos before work.  The guys had the floor shoveled out already.

The pantry closet.  Anyone need a punch bowl?  You'll notice the clown is gone.  He had to go.  Too creepy.

I asked Dan if he took one look at this and said "I'm not working today".  He said "It scared me, but I was curious too".  That's a pretty good description of the whole house so far, Dan.

See the canned goods in the cabinet?  When the guys took out the shelf, the cans stuck to it.  Chris said it was like a movie prop, where they're all glued down.  He did save one can to show me.  It was condensed celery soup.  So condensed that it rattled when he shook it.

Standing in the breakfast nook looking toward the front door. See the hole in the wall where the refrigerator used to be?  Thats where the ice was when the fridge was frozen to the wall.

Then I ran by the house to take some more photos over my lunch.  This is the breakfast nook.  They've torn out the pantry closet, it was to the right.

Dan taking out cabinets.

Look what Chris found.  I think it was a jumping rat.

The lower cabinets on the sink wall are gone.  See the wall where the sink was?  Now this kids, is why we promptly wipe up all spills.

Stuff from the kitchen cabinets.

We have added a debris box, and still have the trailer, so we can load twice as much trash!

Chris taking more glasses out of the cabinets.  So thoughtful, saving glasses for his girl.

2 tables full of stuff from the kitchen cabinets and the ever present pile of white postal boxes.
So handy.


 I'll end todays post with one last view of the debris box.  See how tidily it it stacked?  This is how you get maximum amounts of debris in the box or trailer.  Really, did you expect anything other than the most efficient use of space from my husband?

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