Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey, There's a Patio Back Here!

And now lets take a look at the progress in the backyard.

 This is the lower area of the backyard after cleaning.  The big tree still needs to be trimmed, and the trees to the far  right and left need to be removed.

 This is the upper area of the backyard.  A concrete patio!  Who knew?  The tree to the right still needs to come out, and that HUGE stump to the left has got to go.

 These are the retaining boards between the upper and lower areas.

 Standing on the patio looking down the yard.

 Standing in the lower area looking up.

 Standing by the garage looking toward the back yard.  No more lawn mowers!  Both of these trees still need to come out.  They lean over the house too far.

 Back yard, tree trimmed, extra trees removed.

 Back yard again.

 Taking out the trees by the garage.  See the guy way up in the tree?

 Grinding up the tree bits in the chipper.

 Still working on the tree by the garage.

 3 guys with chainsaws in the backyard.

The backyard after the 3 guys with chainsaws.

 Latch hook yarn.  Because we still find it everywhere.

The front after the guys removed the tree by the garage door.  Thats the stump grinder to the left.

The stump grinder again.  Yikes.

 The house.  So much happier without trees hanging over it!

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