Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We've Got a Permit!

Finally!  The plans are done and the city has issued us a building permit.  Its been so long since I've showed you the inside of the house, you might have forgotten.  You can see how we left it here

Permits, taped to the front window.

We've started progressing again, here's the front bedroom with a nice new subfloor.

Dan, nailing down the new subfloor in the living room.  Look at him go - he's just a blur!

Here I was standing in the nook, looking through the kitchen.  What's Chris doing back there?

He's cutting a new door from the house to the garage!  Up to this point, to get from the garage into the house, one had to walk out the garage door onto the deck and around to the kitchen door.  Not the most pleasant voyage carrying groceries in the rain.  Not that I've carried groceries in from this garage. In the rain or otherwise, but I'm just sayin'.

More cutting of nails with the sawsall.  Look at that concentration.

This was taken after some manly pulling down of studs.  I tend to get out of the way when boards are being pulled down.

Dan comes by to check the progress.

And then goes back to nailing down subfloor.  Unfortunately, I had to leave at that point, so don't yet have any photos of the new door to the garage.  There's always tomorrow!

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