Monday, April 16, 2012

To the Basement!

First, lets take a look at Sport hitting his first home run at last nights game.

You'll notice he's not wearing a belt.  A few games ago, he forgot his belt, and went 3 for 3 at bat.  Obviously, not wearing a belt is lucky, so he's been beltless for 3 games so far.  Considering he's only struck out once in 3 games, and now hit his first home run, we may not see that belt for awhile.  Sadly, even with the home run, they lost the game, so I'm now allowed to wash the jersey.  We never wash after a win.

Sport heading for first, before the ball cleared the wall.  Nice hustle.

Congratulations from his manager after he rounds third.


Now, back to the house.  Chris is in the living room, that's the kitchen wall just behind and to the left of him.  Want to take a guess as to what he's doing?

He and Dan are cutting a hole in the floor to make stairs down to the lower level of the house!

Dan is holding one end of the string line...

and Chris is holding the other.  Or I should say he has wrapped the other end around a nail.

Some more measuring and thinking.

And more measuring and checking.  You know the old saying, "Measure twice,cut once".

 A bit later, all that measuring ends with a lovely square hole in the floor.  By square, I mean all angles are square, as in 90 degrees, not all cattywampus.


Here's Chris, heaving a big ole board.  Actually, he's just picking it up.  It would be much more of a production if I were asked to move it.  Clearly, I'm not manual labor material.  Hey, I have nothing against it, I'm just not built for it.  Chris and the boys are still laughing about me hurting my back while shoveling.  "She works 10 minutes, then she breaks and has to spend the next 2 hours walking and crying."  Ha.  Ha.  My house is filled with comedians.

Chris, cutting the end off a board.  He says he always makes that face when he cuts because of the sawdust and debris flying back at his face.  Notice I'm not making fun of the face.  Only the males in my house are the funny ones.

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