Tuesday, July 31, 2012


After the excitement of the new driveway, lets go back inside, shall we?
I hear the guys downstairs, lets go see whats going on.

Here's a nice closeup of the tile.
And the air hose for the nail gun.  Or pneumatic nailer, if you want the correct terminology.

This is the front bedroom. 
Tile in, as well as the baseboard.

This is the lovely shelf under the window.

Here's a detail of the bathroom tile. 
Tile baseboard.  Nice.

Now I'll stand up and show you the cabinet.

Here's Chris all crouched down.  I'm not sure what he's doing, but it involves a drill.  And caulking.
Oh, I know.  He's putting in the door stop.

Back out in the TV room, Dan is installing baseboard.
First, put glue on both cut ends.

Then carefully line it up.

And nail it with the finish nailer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Driveway and Stuff

So after the excitement of the last post, with the pour and all, the only thing left to show is the final finishing.

See?  Expansion joints and all.
Now we have a complete sidewalk all the way around to the back yard.

Lets look at the driveway from this side.

Here's the drain by the front porch.  All surrounded by concrete so that dirt doesn't wash into it and plug up the pipes.  That would be a shame.

And here's the drain on the lower side of the front yard.  Also surrounded by concrete.
That Chris, he's thorough.

Friday, July 27, 2012

New Driveway

Hey, hey, hey, look at that.  A mixer truck at our house.  Now that's something you don't see every day.

You can always tell one of Chris's jobs is coming down the homestretch when he pours the driveway.

Also, the dirt has been dug away from the drains, so I'm sure Chris is going to pour some concrete around them.

See?  This one too.

Even this one.

As always, concrete pours are fast paced events.
The pumper is pumping, Dan is raking and Chris and the concrete guy are screeding.
I'm just staying out of the way.

There's my fella.
In his fancy boots.

More action.

Here, I'll go stand in the garage and shoot.

Chris, washing off one of the stakes.

Hmm, a lull in the action while they watch Chris wash off the stake?  

In addition to the driveway, they also finished the sidewalk.

Back around front, more screeding.

What on earth are these?  Concrete skis?

A bucket of the more recognizable concrete tools.

Just in case you wanted to look at the sidewalk from this view.

Or the front of the garage.

Hi mixer driver.  He's flipping the switch to send concrete down the chute.  Or stop it from going down the chute.  One or the other.

We're down to the last few feet.

Hi Chris.

I don't even know what new piece of information to add here, you're such a concrete expert by now.

Aha!  I was right!  They are concreting around the drains.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tile, Anyone?

 You can imagine my surprise when upon arriving at the house to take more pictures of the tile, I saw this.

 A driveway full of baseboards being painted.

 Don't worry, there's plenty of tile inside.  Have I shown you this already?  Yes?

 How about this?  Have I told you how much I like that door and light fixture?  I have?

 Okay, back to the kitchen.  Oh, don't get all "I've already seen that" on me.  The appliances are in their spots.  Not installed yet, but slid into their repective homes at least.

 See?  Dishwasher and stove.

 Do you see what's new here?

 The mantle is on.

 Now, for the big show.  I know this is what you've been waiting for.
The guys are tiling the downstairs floor.

 Since I couldn't go any farther with that last photo, I'll go around to look in the door.

 More tile stuff outside the door.

 Obviously he's new.  Don't be scared, the lady with the camera is a regular around here.

 So here's the floor so far.

 Here's the tile guy putting down some grout.

 And spreading it around.

And putting down a piece of tile.
There you go, that's the end of Tiling 101 for today.